Elizabeth's Story: Maybe we'll make February afterall...

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Maybe we'll make February afterall...

Elizabeth is still hanging on. We've been pretty busy with the ups and downs of this process, but we are so thankful that people are still praying and still checking in on our baby.

Elizabeth has been in what they are calling a "steady decline" for a couple of weeks now. She is still Elizabeth, though, with her very particular requests and plenty of spunky attitude. In fact, we just spent this past Saturday (just 4 days ago) at Disneyland with our incredible hospice nurse, Karen. Elizabeth had been very clear and specific about getting to Disneyland with her Dad and me and her brothers. I just wasn't very comfortable about doing that when pretty much Elizabeth could very possibly die at virtually any time now, so Karen offered to come with us so we could make Elizabeth's desires happen. How incredible is that? Even more incredible is that we spent 8 hours there. Elizabeth is really setting the bar pretty high...

She is having trouble maintaining blood sugar levels, and her heart rate will sometimes dip or fluctuate. We've prayed for a miracle and we've prayed for peace whatever the outcome and we've prayed for pain relief and strength. We are surrounded by friends and family. I'll try to keep up with brief updates more frequently. Things just aren't getting any easier over here. There have been two times that I thought she was going that I was at peace with it, but today she just seems to have so much fight left in her that I feel like I need to be doing more to help her fight, too. This is just awful.

Please keep her in your prayers.

I will be seeking a second opinion for my breast masses at UCLA Revlon Center most likely next week. They have already been interpreted as a category 3 (out of a scale 1 - 5, 1=nothing 5=definitely malignant) and I have surgical consults scheduled for early February. I'm so ready to just have the whole darn thing cut off if that will prevent more headache and heartache for my family, but we'll get there when we get there.


At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet Elizabeth I'm glad you got to go to Disneyland with your family. You are amazing.
I'm am so heartbroken for your family, I will pray will every fiber of my being that God will give Elizabeth a miracle. Either of life, or comfort and peace for all of you.
I think of Elizabeth very often,
And I hope the "masses" turn out not to be cancer...
Love, prayers, and faith...
www.carepages.com tannernielsen

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pray that Elizabeth and each of you are "held" by the strength of God. I continue to pray for healing for your precious girl. May you be surrounded by comfort and healing!

At 5:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pray for your family every day. Elizabeth you are a very special princess and i am so glad you had fun at disneyland.

At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that Elizabeth is enjoying some of the sweet things in life like Disneyland.

My prayers continue and am asking everyone I know to continue prayers for all of your family. I sincerely hope that your (Emilie) tests show a benign condition that is easily treatable.

Hugs, Christina Hall


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