Elizabeth's Story: Still praying for improvement...

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Still praying for improvement...

Elizabeth has been pretty tired today. It seems like her methadone dose may need to be increased, as we can tell by her facial expressions (and her complaints) that she is starting to have increased pain. It is never encouraging to have to increase pain meds... just another sign of what turmoil her little body is going through.

She is still having awake time, though, and still pretty interactive with us for a good part of the day even when she is lying down and appears to be asleep.

Please keep praying for her miracle. Every day I wish I could post that everything is better and that we have our cure, but I know the reality of what we are facing. Sometimes families just don't get their miracle cure. I sure am thankful for all we have gotten, though, even if we don't see a cure.

I am so thankful to be Elizabeth's mom. Even with all the heartbreak and misery that has come along with it, I have been truly blessed to share every day of her life with her. She told me a few days ago: "You brighten my life." I only hope she knows how much she has changed and brightened mine and the rest of her family's.

Thank you for your prayers. Things seem to have gotten a little worse today, but hopefully once we up her methadone she will feel more comfortable again.


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