Elizabeth's Story: Rough Day

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Rough Day

We went up on Elizabeth's methadone dose this afternoon. Hopefully after a day of the higher dose (changed from 15mg/6 hours to 20mg/6 hours) she will start to have a little relief. She wasn't complaining about any breakthrough pain, but rather she was having constant pain that the methadone just wasn't seeming to help. Her pain has been mainly in her back (both upper and lower) for the last couple of days, but today she was complaining more of chest pain when we asked. She doesn't complain about much on her own... we really have to work at getting her to tell us what is wrong. She is trying to tough it out herself--I just can't imagine how she does it.

I was asking what was wrong earlier today--she has been visibly bothered and upset, but doesn't really volunteer any information. She finally told me, "I'm afraid I won't make it." I know what I would mean if I said that, but I wanted to be sure what she was meaning... so I asked if she meant she wouldn't make it back to school or to go on her Disney Cruise celebration or exactly what she meant. She was quite annoyed that I was asking for clarification (because I think she thought it should be quite evident what she meant) and said "to be alive" which was quickly followed by her "duh, mom" look that she gives me. So she finally talked about it. We talked about heaven and about miracles. I told her that sometimes kids die from cancer and sometimes they don't and that we are doing everything that we can to help her live. She is really worried about dying. There is nothing peaceful or calm about when she talks about it--she doesn't want to stop living and she doesn't want to stop fighting. She is not experiencing the peace that a lot of kids do at this point. I don't know if that means her time isn't up, or if it just means that she will stay determined to live until the cancer finally takes her. I just don't know what to think any more. I just keep praying for a miracle.

Please keep spreading the word about Elizabeth's incredible will to live. Keep praying and thanks for still checking in on us.

Also, I am starting to get sick. Hopefully it's just a cold and nothing worse, but even a cold could be devastating to Elizabeth right now. I have been so extra careful to wash my hands well and try to keep my germs away from her. It is so hard because all I want to do is be with her. Please pray that whatever I have, Elizabeth doesn't catch it, and that it passes quickly so I can get back to covering her in kisses.


At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hill family,
I am not sure how I came across Elizabeth's site, but I am so glad to get the chance to read about such a spunky and adorable girl. Your journal tonight reminded me of a family friend's journey with cancer. In 1985, she was diagnosed with leukemia and her family was told to expect the worst. She went on to suffer two additional kinds of cancer, both with astronomically bad odds. Thankfully, she gave BIRTH to a healthy BABY boy last fall, some 20+ years after being told to prepare for the end. I will pray that Elizabeth will have a story like Kahlil's.

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love your spirit, your love for life and yet i sense your fear, god bless you. i am praying for a miracle.

At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Emilie,
Elizabeth is truly an inspirational child bearing a pain that would cripple most adults.
From what you post she is starting to feel what I think her mind is telling her will come but her spirit is not yet ready to accept. From my experience and what hospice workers have told me (when I cared for family members eventually lost to cancer), both mind and body have both got to be ready to let go at the same time. Obviously her spirit is not ready yet, despite the pain.
Her strong little spirit is still working to teach us lessons and her life is far from over.
As I sit here typing this I'm waiting to see if my own ACC is back and I was feeling impatient to get in for the PET/CT scan but after reading this post I found strength through Elizabeth to let it unfold as it is God's will. I know God is teaching me patience through Elizabeth's own courage.
I know HE is standing by you all, also wanting Elizabeth to survive this cancer. Yet, if she is to leave because her little body has endured more than it can physically survive, I believe He is, and will be holding Elizabeth in His arms giving her the strength to go on to finish whatever her life here is meant to accomplish, before she follows Him into an eternity of rainbows and butterflies, where there is no pain.
I hope my words are not harsh, as they are meant to be comforting. It i hard writing this, wanting to comfort yet not knowing if my words will convey what is in my heart.
I know God gave you this precious child maybe for a shorter time than you would have wanted, but she has touched more lives and enjoyed her life more than many people do after living 70 years. That is a miracle in itself. She has defied odds all along the way and will do this her way I'm sure.
She is already an Angel in Princess clothing to us all who have briefly been touched by her life.
I have so many people praying for Elizabeth as well as my own daily prayers for your whole family. So whether it be a miracle for Elizabeth, or that she will go on to be one of the shining stars that continue to watch over us from above, I know God will be by your side sharing your pain. Elizabeth is teaching you now the strength you will need to go on no matter what happens, so even from her bed and in pain this child is teaching us all lessons about life at her tender years.
What a joy this child of God continues to be to us all!
With my continued prayers, Christina Hall

At 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is by far the most amazing Princess! I am always in awe of the things that you write, that she says. I am praying daily for her and carrying her in my heart. Keep believing in the miracle! I am also praying that whatever you have will not be passed onto Elizabeth. I am asking God to put a protective shield around her and only let your love through. No germs! Keep strong and positive and just believe! My love and prayers to all of you, Angel Tina, Milford,MA

At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking and praying for you this weekend.

At 5:09 PM, Blogger Amber said...

I think I just lost my posting, so if this is a duplicate I apologize. I just wanted to let you know that you all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. You are the most amazing family I have ever seen. I hope you know what a blessing you all are to this world. Elizabeth and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers as always. Sending you prayers and love, Princess Amber

At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's just amazing. And I tell myself that all the time. She just is.

With love and prayers,

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for healing and peace for Elizabeth and your entire beautiful family.

-beth : )


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