Elizabeth's Story: June 2009

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Unfair Liver Transplant

Steve Jobs just received a liver transplant, after being diagnosed with (and receiving treatment for) pancreatic cancer in 2004. It is generally considered unethical to treat metastatic cancers with organ transplants because once cancer has metasticized, it can recur in newly transplanted organs--cheating non-cancer patients with better odds of long term survival out of organs. I want to know when that hospital in Tennessee will be receiving their Steve Jobs wing.

We wanted a liver transplant for Elizabeth. I volunteered to be a living donor. They wouldn't do it because once cancer is metastatic (meaning it is no longer confined to the original organ--which it sounds like Jobs' cancer spread to his liver causing his need for a transplant) it will undoubtedly crop back up in another organ. Mr. Jobs somehow was able to get approval for a surgery that we couldn't get approval for--with a much younger, healthier (at the time) patient, and a living donor. We wouldn't have needed to be on a list waiting for someone to die to use donated organs. And every doctor we asked (at both CHLA and UCLA) refused saying it just isn't done. Metastatic cancer patients DO NOT receive organ transplants. It is unethical in the medical community. I guess it is unethical unless you are Steve Jobs. I am furious. I guess money does buy everything. If only I had the money to have bought Elizabeth a liver transplant.

I never liked apple anyway. Macs suck.