Elizabeth's Story: Remembering Elizabeth

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Remembering Elizabeth

Thanks to Marie Beavers at Bastien & Perrott, we have an Everlasting Memorial online for Elizabeth. It will be available forever, and we invite anyone with stories or memories of Elizabeth to please submit a Tribute online. Once we have approved it for release, it will be posted online for everyone who visits Elizabeth's Everlasting Memorial page to read. We hope that over time as people start remembering more stories the page will grow and will remind us, her immediate family, that there really were more good times than bad. The movie we made from photos and drawings that played at Elizabeth's viewing is also available for viewing online at the Everlasting Memorial page. The link is: http://www.mem.com/display/biography.asp?ID=1731653

Elizabeth's obituary is also available for viewing online. There is a guestbook there that people can sign, and it will be available online for one year. Rest assured, we are printing everything to go in a remembrance book so that we will have it forever. Feel free to sign at the obituary guestbook or the caringbridge guestbook. Believe me, we read everything over and over. The link to Elizabeth's obituary online: http://www.legacy.com/LADailyNews/Obituaries.asp?Page=LifeStory&PersonID=86577430

Thank you to everyone who came on Friday and/or Saturday, and those who couldn't come but were with us in spirit. It amazed us to be surrounded by so many friends and family. I wish everyone could have seen the view from the podium on Saturday. As I spoke about Elizabeth and looked out at so many faces, I was overwhelmed with joy and sadness, knowing she touched everyone so deeply and will leave an empty space that can't be filled. I will get it together soon and will be posting more details at a later time... although probably sooner rather than much later because I can't seem to keep myself from wanting to post here even still.

I would like to ask everyone who spoke on Friday night if they would please please please just take a few minutes in the next couple weeks or so and jot down a little of what you said. We treasure each word that our friends so generously shared about Elizabeth and what she means. It helps.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and messages of encouragement. Not one goes unnoticed. The emails and countless guestbook entries amaze us still. Thank you.


At 5:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tribute movie was beautiful. I admire and am astounded by your strength. I am holding all of you in my heart and lifting you up in prayer. Princess Elizabeth will never be forgotten by anyone who's life she has touched. I hope you find comfort in knowing that her spirit lives on in a million hearts. Wrapping you all in wings of love, Tina in MA

At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The video was absolutely beautiful. I wish you could truly understand how much your wonderful little Princess inspired so many of us - inspired people like me to be a better parent, a better person, to not complain as much, to love my children freely - to accept their love and cherish it. Living for the moment, which is what its all really about anyway...... life is made up of those moments....
Thinking of your family daily,
D'Lynn, David, Trevor, Tristan, Cole & Cade

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just have come home from a trip. I have been in Spain, and the first thing I did, when I came on the internet was to check Elizabeths page.

I am sad to read that she has passed away a week ago, but I know in my heart: She is now a princess, free of pain, dancing as a ballerina, with the beauty of a princess in Heaven.

When I was in Spain, I dreamed about Elizabeth one night... I want to thank you for sharing your princess story with us all.
I will never forget her. She has touched my life.

Elizabeth - dance!

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

=) =)

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Felipe Lima said...

God Bless all your family !


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