Elizabeth's Story: Quick update

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Quick update

Hey guys,
It's mom here. Elizabeth is still in PICU, but not because she needs to be there. You see, in the wonderful world of hospitalizations, if they don't need the bed you are in, you won't ever get moved! Because the ICU is pretty empty, Elizabeth can stay there indefinitely. In order for her to get into a regular hospital room, she'd need a bed to open up on 5th floor West, which is really the only place that would take her because she is severely diabetic. And we've been waiting for a bed to open up there since Thursday night. So... we assume we will be discharged late this week from the ICU. We aren't counting on being able to move!!

We are staying at the Ronald McDonald House about a block away from the hospital. It is rather convenient for us at the moment. We've also met some wonderful patients, nurses, docs, and all around good people since checking in. I'll have to name them and thank them all individually later. There have been a lot of people offering their help and taking care of the boys, which has been great. I've been accused of not using enough help, so I'm trying to get over that and graciously accept what is being offered.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who has been praying for Elizabeth and thanks for keeping us in your thoughts. We are hoping to cross this bridge with no further complications, and get right back into chemo.


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