Elizabeth's Story: Dr. Stein and MRI

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Dr. Stein and MRI

We met with Dr. Stein on Friday, May 20. He took the time to review the actual scan images with us on the computer and discussed what he planned to do during surgery. He is very confident that all of the large tumors can be removed, and wants to schedule surgery for sometime during Memorial week--YIKES! That's soon!!

Elizabeth celebrated her 5th birthday yesterday! YAY! She got to spend half of it getting an MRI... I wonder how many 5 year olds get to spend their birthdays doing that?! Dad took her in for it and was able to bring home a copy of the images on CD-ROM. Mom and Dad spent some time looking over them, wishing there was some kind of crash course available for rudimentary radiology so we could interpret it better! From what we were able to see, there doesn't appear to be anything new anyway, so that was good. Now on to surgery...

We don't have a specific date for surgery yet, but we know it will be next week sometime, as early as Tuesday we imagine. That doesn't give much time!

As part of her birthday celebration, Princess Elizabeth will be spending Sunday and Monday nights at Disneyland with her family, courtesy of Grandpa Terry and Grandma Mary. Thanks guys! She has a bit of spending money from her birthday, too, which we guess she will use to purchase more Princess attire like she did after last year's birthday. Princess Elizabeth will be sure to sport her beautifully embroidered t-shirts from ChemoAngel Amy that say "Happy Birthday" and "Princess Elizabeth"... Thanks Angel Amy and Crew!! And she will probably wear the pretty dresses from Grandma Kirsten and Uncle Luke for dinners... Thank you Grandma Kirsten and Uncle Luke! Mom and Dad also got Elizabeth a new Ariel ballerina dress up set that we're sure will get some wear, too. We'll be sure to take plenty of pictures to post after the weekend!

Please keep Elizabeth in your prayers. This is a very critical time. We are praying that the large tumors can, in fact, be removed without complication and that Elizabeth recovers well. We are also hoping that this is the last surgery she will need to remove the cancer from her body. She is such a brave girl. She talks about going in for her surgery as if it were routine--and she does remember her surgery before, and still isn't fearful. We know she has angels surrounding her.


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