Elizabeth's Story: Elizabeth is still doing well!

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Elizabeth is still doing well!

It's Mom... so the spelling should be a little better!! *wink wink*

Elizabeth is still in PICU, but is expected to only be there through one more night... hopefully! Her sugars are so stable--compared to previous experiences--but the docs don't agree that keeping between 100-300 is stable. Well, it is for her! Until she is out on the floor (i.e. out of ICU) she can only receive mylar balloons--no flowers, no stuffed animals. In about 2 days anything is fine. It's not required to send anything to the hospital--goodness knows that Elizabeth is pretty out of it still! She did get the happy face balloon bouquet from Princess Amber (THANKS!!) and we're sure she'll love it once she opens her eyes long enough to look at it! We did read her the card, though. She's still our fiesty little one and doing great even though she's not up and about yet mentally (or physically).

She's at Children's Hospital Los Angeles in the PICU (NOT the CTICU). Visitors are allowed between 9am and 9pm. They are pretty strict on the no kids under 12 years old policy until she's out of ICU. Once we're in a normal room just about anything goes (except latex balloons--they don't like a lot of latex around here).

Princess Elizabeth had a wonderful weekend with the family at Disneyland Resort and we can post pics later (like, in a week or so!). Other than that, keep praying for a smooth recovery so we can jump back on that chemo-wagon ASAP!

P.S. I spoke with the anasthesiologist this morning (Dr. Eby--just love him!) who told me that when Elizabeth was finally getting good and "out of it" she calmly looked at him and said ,"Excuse me... please don't touch me." Then she was out. Funny girl! Don't know how surgery would have happened without her being touched... That's our little princess!

Thanks for the support and prayers!


At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news! I am so glad the little princess is doing well post-surgery and that things went well! The power of prayer is an amazing thing : ) I hope you all are taking care of yourselves as well. We will keep sending happy thoughts and prayers your way. Hugs to Her Royal Highness and all her Subjects!


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