Elizabeth's Story: YAY for MORE POOP!!

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Thankfully, Elizabeth has had two more large poops today. She is still having some tummy pain, but it's not nearly as frequent and doesn't seem to last as long. She was afraid to tell Mom because last time Mommy did a happy dance, and Elizabeth said it embarrassed her. So Mom (that's me) was very good about doing her happy dance in the other room.

I'm keeping this one short... since I've been accused of being verbose... mainly by my husband!! So I thought you all might enjoy seeing some more pics, since that is certainly what garners the most responses from you!

Here are pics of the Hill kids taken today:

Her Royal Highness (name courtesy of our new email pal Jodi) Princess Elizabeth reclining on the couch while watching PBSKids... her favorite pasttime ever since the poop issue came about.

Here is Mike showing off his strep throat...

And little Mattie sucking his thumb and holding his blankie. I don't know what we'd ever do if anything ever happened to that blankie. It was his Auntie Amy's when she was little, specially handmade just for her, so there really is no replacing it!

This is what Danny has been doing all day... when he's not crying and chewing on his fist because he's teething.

Hope you all are having a good week so far!


At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a pretty good looking bunch of kids you've got! Congrats to Mom on refraining from doing the "Happy Poop Dance" in front of Princess Elizabeth! Something tells me that is one dance that is not going to make it onto any dance videos ;) Although I must say I'm curious to learn the steps! I hope the sun is shining in the Hill house today! Hugs to all :)


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