Elizabeth's Story: Transfusion Complete!

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Transfusion Complete!

...after only 8 hours at the hospital~not that I'm complaining. Actually, quite the opposite! Matt and Danny were very well behaved and patient while spending the day in a 7 x 9 foot sqare area. A lot of that was probably because they had Mommy's undivided attention all day.

We had no idea it would take so long to get the transfusion. First Elizabeth's blood panel needed to be run and we were waiting for the results. Then it turned out that her hemoglobin had risen enough that we could go either way, transfuse or not. Mom thought we might as well get the transfusion since it has made Elizabeth feel better and not so tired in the past, and it was already ordered, and who knows if it would be necessary anyway in a couple more days as the chemo starts to have greater effect. The color in Elizabeth's face is now a healthy looking rosy pink instead of the usual pallid tone.

Elizabeth also had blood drawn to check her AFP levels, so hopefully we should have some numbers by tomorrow afternoon. Now we're looking for <3900. Please pray that it isn't still going up. We should be scheduling a scan, too, in the next week or so. Pray that we are able to tell if the chemo is working or not ASAP. Time is so critical and we can't waste it on treatments that aren't working.

Everyone is pretty much just hanging in there, waiting waiting waiting to see where this all takes us. Hopefully between the AFP levels and the upcoming CT scan we'll get some more definitive answers.

Remember to let us know about the bracelets (see the end of the April 18 post) and if you are interested in wearing one. The email link is there.

Thanks for the prayers and support! All the nurses at Children's call Elizabeth "Tough Cookie", especially when they find out she has 3 brothers. We know that if anyone can beat this thing, it's our little Princess!


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