Elizabeth's Story: YAY for POOP!!

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

YAY for POOP!!

We are very very happy to announce that Princess Elizabeth has finally pooped! She hadn't pooped at all since Saturday morning (Friday night is when we went to the ER.), so this is a very BIG DEAL! Yay for poop!! (Yes, it is a little sad what gets us excited these days, but it really is the little things that can make a huge difference! We'll take any blessings, small or great, where ever we can get them!) And without being too descriptive, it was poop that had been there for quite some time. Hopefully now the tummy PAIN--it's been more than just an "ache"--will subside. Elizabeth has spent the last 3 nights wailing in pain off and on throughout.

We were comforted to know that this "condition" is not unusual during chemo, and even got a first hand account of someone else who went through the same thing... I wasn't going to use names here (privacy issues), until I realized it was a comment she posted here anyway so... THANK YOU DEB!! I (Mommy) had been so worried about Elizabeth's level of pain meaning something else, and Deb's message helped put my mind at ease.

And just while Mommy was typing this update, we have MORE POOP! This really and truly is exciting since it means Elizabeth's pain may start to lessen. Who knew poop could be so exciting?!


At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay indeed!!! Elizabeth's experience made me go back and take a look at my old chemo/cancer updates from that time; on my Updates page it was on November 17, 2003, and I remember being SOOO relieved! Bless her heart; it's one thing to be a "big person" and understand why these things are going on with your body; it's quite another to be a child and not know why you are in pain. Here's hoping THAT never happens again! (Oh, and don't worry...after cancer, I lost nearly all my modesty and very little offends me.) :)

At 2:29 PM, Blogger AJ said...

Hey Elizabeth (aka The Pretty Pooping Princess!), we are praying for you over here in Washington State and are soooo glad that you finally got busy with that pooping business! Sure hope it helps those tummy pains go away...
Much Love,
The Warner Family

At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea!! I must say this is the first time I'v ever been excited over poop too! I hope your tummy is feeling much better now :)

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a nurse, I can attest to getting overly excited about both poop and pee. But my reasons pale in comparison to yours - congratulations!!!


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