Elizabeth's Story: Photo FUN!!!

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Photo FUN!!!

Here are today's ballet pictures, as promised:

**Note the PINK tights, PINK leotard, PINK skirt, PINK headband, PINK ballet slippers, PINK necklace, PINK ribbon Elizabeth is holding in the top photo, and the PINK dance bag. You can't see it, but I believe she's wearing PINK panties, too!!

Some other fun pictures:

Early March, 2005: Elizabeth having fun during her "model shoot".

Here are a few of our Aquarium of the Pacific (in Long Beach, CA) pictures:

Matt, Daddy, and Elizabeth pet a ray... this is Elizabeth's and Matt's most favorite thing to do when we visit the aquarium (thanks Grandma Kirsten and Uncle Luke for the annual membership!).

Elizabeth was watching Snow White and the Seven Dwarves about a week before this picture was taken at the aquarium. Elizabeth was very intrigued when Snow White was singing as a little bird perched on her finger. She said,"Mom, I wish I could have a bird sit on my finger." Although she was pretty cautious and a little bit apprehensive, she was delighted to have this Lorakeet sit on her arm while drinking nectar. She said,"My wish came true!"

Mike with a Lorakeet of his own...

Matt (pre-haircut) sitting in front of Shark Lagoon's large underwater window viewing area. He digs the giant rays!

March 13, 2005: Princess Elizabeth at Breakfast with the Disney Princesses.

March 13, 2005: Elizabeth with a flower she just picked (eek! You can't pick the flowers at Disneyland!) to give to Alice (in Wonderland). Alice was very excited to get a flower from such a beautiful Princess!

And just for the sheer cuteness of it, by popular demand, more recent pics of little Danny age 3 1/2 months:

As any mom knows, Exersaucers rule! Look at that smile!!

He's a happy boy! Is it Danny, or is it Mikey? (*It is Danny, but it sure could pass for a baby picture of Mike!)

Again, I ask, Danny or Mikey? (*This one actually IS Mikey!! Note the teeth... Danny doesn't have any yet!)


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