Elizabeth's Story: No Asking "WHAT NEXT?"

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

No Asking "WHAT NEXT?"

Elizabeth went to dance class today for the first time in at least 2 months. She was so happy to be back, even if she just sat and watched for most of it. She was a little tired this morning and was yawning a whole lot, but she did manage to dance a bit and was simply on Cloud 9 after class. Miss Rosie, Elizabeth's first dance teacher (and owner of CenterStage Dance LA), even stopped in to say hi. Elizabeth has been talking about Miss Brandi, Miss Heather, and Miss Rosie all afternoon. Thank you ladies for making Elizabeth (and me) feel so welcomed back!

Don't ever ask "Now what?!" when you feel like things are going wrong... no, really... We laugh now (what else are we going to do?) about it, but let me explain.
Dad left his job at the end of February.
Elizabeth had surgery on March 8, from which we had pretty bad news, to put it mildly.
On March 10, Dad's first TB test was borderline positive.
My (mom) Grandma died on March 11, from cancer no less, which was expected, but still really sucks.
When we were taking Elizabeth home from the hospital on March 17, our minivan blew out a tire. (Dad was NOT going to try to change it himself... it was raining, and with our recent "luck", he joked that the car might fall on top of him if he tried... yay for AAA!)
That same day, Dad's second TB test was positive.
This past weekend, our oldest child finally gave us his progress report card... it is very NOT good.
And on Monday, our oldest adopted cat, Schroedinger (to find out why that was his name, google "Schroedinger's cat"), died.

Ever feel like things are starting to spiral? Well, we had been asking each other "what else is going to happen?" and now we're just rolling with it.

Good news, Dad's chest x-ray was negative for active TB. He is at a Dr. appt for his follow-up right now.

Also, Mom has a little story about Elizabeth published on the ClubMom web site.
Here's the link:

Thanks Angel Janet for sending Elizabeth's most recent present... she had been asking for a mini-Barbie every time the commercial came on. When I was in the store a few days ago I had almost bought her the very one you sent. It is like you can read my mind with your gift selections!! The same thing happened with the mermaid doll... and yet, Elizabeth has never already had any of the things you pick out for her. Last night after she opened the package she said, "Mommy, I don't think that my angels are people--they are real angels in Heaven." Thank you, to all of our angels past and present, for showing my daughter that real angels exist.


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