Elizabeth's Story: Treatment update

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Treatment update

So, we have been holding our breath for the past couple weeks. Still haven’t got a good answer on what the PET/CT showed back in January. Since, then, Elizabeth’s AFP has been checked every 2 weeks. As of the last update on 1/10/06, it was at 311. On 1/24/06, it was up in the 600’s (Mom will have to fill in the exact number). Yesterday, it was up to 946. At least symbolically, it did not break a thousand. Elizabeth had her Avastin yesterday and all went well with that. She also has started on the Tarceva, which is a couple pills she takes everyday.
We have a meeting tomorrow to try and sort some of this out, so hopefully, we will have more.

On the lighter side, Elizabeth’s Grandma and Grandpa from Tennessee were out for almost a week. Elizabeth (and the boys) really enjoyed seeing them. It had been a long time since seeing them last. Distance from family is often hard enough, but when you have stuff going on like with Elizabeth, it makes it so much harder. My Dad’s sister, Aunt Kathy decided to use up some of those frequent flier miles and come out at the same time. So, it was a good week until yesterday with lots of hanging out, swinging, playing and just plain visiting that we have not had for quite some time. Of course, Elizabeth also insisted on taking Grandma and Grandpa to her favorite restaurant, Elephant Bar. Hopefully, we will get some pictures up.

More to come as always.



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