Elizabeth's Story: Hospital stay update..

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Hospital stay update..

Elizabeth is doing well so far. She has been a bit out of it mainly from the benadryl. We tried a different pain medication, deladid(similar to morphine), hoping she would not have the itchy side affect. But, on the fourth dose, the itching started. So, now she gets benadryl each time she has pain meds.
Otherwise, she is growing more demanding each day. (A good thing!) Her spunk never seems to waiver. This hospital trip, the choice description of Elizabeth my most of the staff is precocious. She has such a knowledge of everything and has no problem letting the doctors and nurses know how they will be taking care of her.
The word is that the NG tube should come out today. The On-Q "party ball" was finished yesterday and came out. She is still on oxygen, but everything else came out the first day.
She has been pulling herself out of bed for the daily weigh in and for the changing of the bedding. Our independent little princess.

More to come. Just wanted to get a quick update out.


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