Elizabeth's Story: Round 1, Day 21... really not feeling well

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Round 1, Day 21... really not feeling well

Elizabeth is having a hard time since getting her last dose of chemo on Tuesday. She has a cough, off and on again fever (the fever is normal for her, though), and her throat is bothering her. I'm torn between hoping she's just sick from something else and hoping she's NOT sick... if she's NOT sick, it means the chemo is doing this to her, and the road ahead on this new treatment will be a very long one.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I don't know what to hope is causing this, but we do want her to feel better soon!

Danny is getting his top two teeth (finally!) and is pretty cranky about that. He has had a runny nose and is generally out of sorts, which made us think that maybe he was sick with a bug (meaning Elizabeth has a bug, too, and the chemo isn't making her feel this bad), but this morning we felt his top two teeth starting to poke through, so that is probably what is causing his discomfort (to put it mildly). Ah, the speculation will drive a person nuts!

Mike and Dad are continuing to enjoy the X-Games. They were taken by Mr. Terri Randolph (with Dream Maker) through the Michael Hoefflin Foundation and got to go with Dave DeLong (the infamous Lisa DeLong's husband) and his daughter Joelle on Thursday (day 1 of the X-Games here in LA). They had special behind the scenes access passes good for the whole weekend, so they were able to go back yesterday (Saturday) and are there again today for the last day and the Big Air Skateboard finals. Crazy man Danny Way, who just jumped the Great Wall of China last week, is there competing. Mike is pretty excited to meet all the totally crazy out-of-their-minds (sorry, that's MOM's commentary) competitors and Dad is just trying to get the hang of using the video camera.

Matt is becoming more and more "terrible"... he's lucky he's so darn cute! Just when Mom is ready to banish him forever to his room he redeems himself by hugging her or trying to "take care of" Danny or make Elizabeth feel better. This has got to be the longest case of the "terrible two's" ever. Maybe it will end when he turns four in September?! Hopefully!!

Take care! Also, please pray that whatever has got Elizabeth feeling so sick doesn't interfere with her scheduled treatment (IFL only) on Tuesday the 9th. Thanks!


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