Elizabeth's Story: Round 1, Day 16 of Avastin/IFL

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Round 1, Day 16 of Avastin/IFL

Elizabeth got her third day of chemo this round yesterday. She is feeling a little out of sorts (achiness, sore throat, a little coughing, itchiness), but we think most of it may be part of the "drama" effect that she experiences every time we go near a hospital. Yesterday was a long day with both Avastin and IFL (irinotecan, leucovorin, 5-fluoruoracil). We were there from 10am to 5pm. Yes, a fun day for Elizabeth, Danny, and Mom at the hospital... and from what we've heard, an equally fun day for Grandma Kirsten who stayed home with Matt and Mike. Thankfully, there are only 2 full days like that per round, and that one was our last until we start round 2... which will be after day 42 (we're at day 16 now).

Elizabeth will be doing ballet today at 1:30pm and Grandma Kirsten will come to watch. Hopefully that will be incentive for Elizabeth to keep on fully participating!!

Mom and the kids visited the Aquarium of the Pacific (in Long Beach) again on Monday and even got to enjoy a short 45 minute harbor cruise. Mike liked it the most (he is Mom's little ocean boy), as Elizabeth, Matt, Danny, and Mom were lower deck, upper deck, lower deck, upper deck, etc... the entire time as Elizabeth wanted to be downstairs and Matt wanted to be upstairs. I think we'll take Dad next time and split us up!

We're enjoying our summer and planning a beach trip very soon--maybe even some overnight beach camping in the Santa Barbara area. School starts the first week of September, so we're trying to squeeze the rest of summer fun into the next couple weeks.

Thanks again to everyone who has been checking in on us and praying for Elizabeth. Anyone who has ordered bracelets and hasn't gotten them, they are in the mail as of today. There are more still left, too, for anyone who hasn't gotten one and still wants one. We also have business cards with Elizabeth's webpage information and picture printed up that I would happily send out for any of you who are passing on Elizabeth's Story to your friends and family and would like a couple cards to pass on. Just email your address to me. Wear your sunscreen this week!


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