Elizabeth's Story: Elizabeth's Chemo Reaction...

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Elizabeth's Chemo Reaction...

She is doing better than ever after having her mega-day of chemo on Tuesday. She was feeling great all day on Tuesday (even after several trips to the potty--irinotecan usually causes near dangerous amounts of diarrhea) and even told Dad to stop at the park on the way home. They were at Griffith Park playing and climbing hills for well over an hour after Elizabeth had just gotten chemo!

Yesterday, Elizabeth went to ballet class. She usually sits out to the side when they do activities she says make her feel "yucky", but not this time! She participated in the entire class and did everything, only leaving the dance floor once to make a potty trip. Her energy level seems to be higher, and she is having less attitude than usual. It seems that she just needs some strong chemo to make her happy!

Today, Elizabeth is with Dad at the hospital getting a CT scan. This will tell us how she is healing from surgery and how much of her liver has regenerated. Also, it will serve as a sort of baseline showing where we are starting from with the new chemo regimen.

Nothing else much here... just working on getting her registered for kindergarten and finding some school time activities for Matt. Matt wants to be a "soccer player" so badly, but unfortunately it looks like he will have to wait one more year before he's old enough. We'll find something for the boy, though.

The heat is awful! Over 100 everyday this week, and it is overwhelmingly humid. We're expecting thunderstorms through the weekend. I thought this was California... not Florida! At least we had the AC fixed a month ago.

Hope you all are enjoying your summer!
Special thank you's to Elizabeth's sweet Angels...
Angel Amy (and Lindsey and Haley, too)
Angel Princess Amber
Angel Stacey (is the baby here yet??)
Angel Theresa
Ms. Janie
and the very tolerant Maureen, who lets Elizabeth steal all her goodies in her office!

And congratulations to Julia Rabago on being CHLA's hospital employee of July!!
Julia graciously offered CHLA employee child care for Danny and Matt while Elizabeth was in ICU. Our friend, Maureen, nominated her. In the nomination letter, which was published in the weekly hospital newsletter, Maureen described how Julia had helped us. We are so happy that she is being recognized by the hospital for helping us! (BTW, Julia, please tell Mikayla that Scooby Doo, while too large to take into the hospital every time we visit, does travel in the trunk of the van any time we have a hospital visit. Elizabeth insists that he has to come with her and won't leave home without him!)

Please keep Elizabeth in your prayers. So far, so good with the new treatment.


At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is WONDERFUL news!! And thank you for posting the pictures :) You have such a beautiful family. Mike looked grrrreat in his costume! You guys must be expert jugglers with everything you've got going. It makes me tired just thinking about it! Love and Hugs to the Princess and all her Loyal Subjects : )


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