Elizabeth's Story: MRI results

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

MRI results

Elizabeth's head MRI results were clear.

There is an area showing old damage, that appears minimal, and does not pose an acute problem. It is a small calcification that was explained to us to have been caused by a TIA (not an actual stroke, but similar and minor) or other infarction. Regardless, it is old damage and not caused by 11/4's probably-a-seizure incident.

Elizabeth's hair continues to fall out. She is showing signs of balding now, and is having a tough time with it. She doesn't want to go to school for the first time ever, and I think it is because of her hair. She decided to sleep in this morning (school started 5 minutes ago), but hopefully I'll be able to coax her into going to school later, even if it's only for a little bit. She has already missed Monday (MRI day) and Tuesday (oncology day and Grandma Mary's last day here), and I think the longer she waits to go and see everyone with the hair loss, the worse she will build it up to be. I so hate that she has to go through this again. What really saddens me is that about a week before her hair loss started, we ran into our friends Lisa and Jakie Delong at the hospital and I commented on how cute little Jakie is with his bald head. I said that I missed Elizabeth's bald head. I feel like such a heel. Yes, I missed it, but I didn't want it to happen!

Elizabeth had an AFP blood draw yesterday. Hopefully we can get the results later today or early tomorrow. Another drop would be cause for extreme celebration. Almost every time we see a drop, it is followed by a bigger rise, so breaking that pattern would give us cause for thinking these medications could be doing something real for her.

Thanks for checking in. Please keep Elizabeth in your prayers. Pray that she can move beyond the hair loss and return to her happy self soon.


At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - everyday I see Elizabeth come to school, makes me thank God for how wonderful and merciful he is. She is a living proof that even with her illness and all she and you (her family) have gone through and are going through He can still put a smile on her face and mom and dad's faces. I was reading the lastest updates and can not help to cry. I know that your so wished miracle can come true because God is a living God. Please keep hoping and smiling - God listens.

At 2:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have idea. I am sorry to hear about the hair loos but what about to let Elizabeth wear a wig? Maybe one with long hair like a princess? maybe she could feel more happy and then go to school and if she want then she could tell her class why she use a wig so they understand? Just a idea :-)


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