Elizabeth's Story: quick update

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

quick update

Still working on getting cruise pictures uploaded to the website. Hopefully this week.

This morning we are meeting with the LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) doctor to discuss Elizabeth's possibility for starting first grade next week. All she wants right now is to go to school, and she never has. I'm getting her in.

On Friday, the 15th, we will have the dreaded "what the hell is going on with massive increases in tumor marker levels" scan. I'm terrified. Please pray that whatever is there can be treated, either by surgery or going back on Sutent.

On the same day we also have Elizabeth's IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) meeting with LAUSD. We are hopeful that everything will go smoothly (but prepared just in case it doesn't), and that Elizabeth can start going to school for a few hours a day next week. Without knowing the results of the scan and how bad her cancer has spread, we don't know how long she'd even be able to attend school. She wants it so bad, and I want to give her as much time being a student as possible.

Take care and thanks for the continued prayers.


At 9:42 AM, Blogger Trine said...

Hey Elizabeth and family,

Looking forward to see the cuirse pictures. You are always so happy on your pics Elizabeth. Sweety .

I hope you can go to´school soon when you want it . It's fun I can tell you - I have started in my new school and I have got a few new friends.
And you can learn so much ! How does you ballet class is going?
Have not heard news about it in some times.

Also I pray for that you cancer can be treatment and not have spread so much. I will checked for updates and remember Elizabeth - lot of people has you the princess in our thoughts!

Love, Trine

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the princess know that we were happy to see her on Saturday night. It was a good birthday gift. Her scan has been on my mind this week as well, and we're praying for her. Take care. Hopefully school will be a possibility for Beth. I can't wait to hear those stories.

With love,
Ayesha and Erik


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