Elizabeth's Story: Good News... Perhaps

Elizabeth's Story

...previously an update for friends & family about Elizabeth Hill and her fight against her childhood cancer acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
...now a place for remembering the fiesty princess she was.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Good News... Perhaps

Yesterday Elizabeth had trace blood in one of her bowel movements. We, of course, started to worry and left a message for her GI docs at UCLA. Dr. Robert Venick (whom we absolutely love) called us today to explain what bloody stools mean in Elizabeth's case.

The bad news: we need to watch for anemia
The good news: in kids with liver tumors, bloody stools during chemo usually means that the tumor cells are being killed and therefore the tumors bleed a little

So... this could be a great sign that the chemo (GEMOX) Elizabeth is taking is starting to work on those liver tumors. YAY!!

She also had her home care nurse from her first treatments all fall back to do her blood draw today. Denise Companero, her nurse, is wonderful with Elizabeth... very tolerant of her games and tendency to climb onto Denise's lap. We are very lucky to have her back--even if it is only until she goes on maternity leave.

In spite of being in the "danger zone" when counts should be dropping and Elizabeth should be feeling the effects of her chemo the most, Elizabeth is doing very well. She has been a little cranky, but all in all she's just fine. We dyed Easter eggs on Saturday, as planned, and had a quiet Easter celebration at home. We would've spent the day with cousins and lots of their extended family, but we were worried about exposing Elizabeth to too many new germs with so many kids around. Hopefully next time we can go!

Today Elizabeth went to dance class. There are only 3 of them in Thursday's class (less germs!), and Elizabeth needs to get out of the house some time, even if it is only for an hour. She gave her friend Heather (who works at the dance studio) a "LiveStrong" bracelet (available at www.laf-store.org). Heather wrote Elizabeth's name on it so everyone will know who she is supporting by wearing the bracelet. That was incredibly sweet and thoughtful and made Elizabeth feel most special!

Thank you all who have been praying for Elizabeth. Your messages of support have been a tremendous source of strength for us. Please know that we are so grateful for your kind words and prayers.


At 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for the death of those tumors!!! I choose to believe this is good news - am thinking of you often.


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